Younger brother |
Weird shadow thing that happened when I tried to take a photo of my eye :P |
Mascarra on finger |
Broke up for Christmas holidays today, so I haven't got much to do with myself for the next 3 weeks as everyone's out exploring the world except for me ;(
I've been obsessing over little details recently and I'm determined to finish some sort of project before the new year, whether it's baking something and wrapping it up to give to friends, finishing a collage, portfolio, organize a photo shoot with friends, finish decorating my room...the list goes on -.-. Will update this blog more often now that I've been released from the prison (i.e school)
My friend and her sister are having a photo shoot with their mom's friend and have invited me to come along... so excited to learn about how to use lighting when taking photos outdoors and other shit :D
Other stuff going on right now... drama (as always :P), lots and LOTS of work (mostly catch up from this past school term), also i really want to get into baking..found some very easy but sweet recipes online which I'd like to try out, and I want to experiment more with make up for photo shoots :)
Two final things; these gorgeous
iPhone cases are to kill for... I WANT THEM ALL!!! too bad they're out of my budget ;( *le cry*
Also check out Young The Giant's new remix album, very easy to listen to; usually not into this type of music but this is amazing.
Kisses, Aisha